Monday, April 8, 2013

Renting Guide for Tenants

Determine your Requirements
Whether you look for property online or through an estate agent, having a precise idea of your requirements will greatly assist in finding your ideal place to stay. The main criteria are:
  • Budget
  • Location 
  • Type of Property 
  • Property Size 
  • Duration of Tenancy 
  • Furnished or Unfurnished
The monthly rental is commonly featured on advertisements as rental payments to the landlord are usually made monthly. In addition to the monthly rent you will need to ensure that you can afford the initial deposits (normally 3½ months’ rent). A small stamp duty fee on the tenancy agreement is also payable by the tenant if the rent exceeds RM2,400.
Location is critical to your decision so get to know the area properly before renting.
The following considerations will affect your choice of location:
  • proximity and access to work - proximity and access to schools
  • amenities including shopping, leisure, religious facilities, parks
  • safety
  • prestige
Type of Property
The main distinction is between landed and non-landed property. Landed properties include detached, semi-detached, and link houses. Non-landed include condominium units and flats. Rooms are also available to let in private homes.
Also will you only settle for a modern property or are you content with something more basic?
Property Size
Make a checklist of your requirements:
  • land area 
  • built up area 
  • number of bedrooms 
  • number of bathrooms 
  • reception rooms 
  • size of kitchen
Duration of Tenancy
The normal tenancy term is 12 months for locals and 2 years for expats. However it is up to you to negotiate with the landlord for a term which suits your requirements. Be aware that landlords will usually expect a higher monthly rent for shorter terms. The tenancy agreement may stipulate that the tenancy will continue if notice is not given at the end of the term.
Furnished or Unfurnished
Whether you rent a place furnished or unfurnished will depend on whether you already own or intend to buy furniture. Expats on a short-term assignment may prefer to rent a furnished place as this is the more convenient and usually cheaper option. Rented accommodation will feel more like home if you furnish it according to your own taste.
Arrange Viewings
The main way of finding properties to view is to look through property advertisements either on the internet (on websites such as or the printed press (such as specialist property magazines).
Another way of finding properties to view is to drive through the area where you want to buy and look for any properties for rent as advertised by the estate agent’s board placed at the front of the property.
Identify suitable properties and call the numbers featured on the advertisements. Very few landlords advertise their properties directly – normally the person you contact will be an estate agent marketing the property on behalf of the landlord. Find out more details from the agent about the property advertised and arrange a time for viewing if the property fits your requirements. Tell the agent your requirements and find out whether the agent has any other properties on their books which may be suitable. Make sure you let the agent know your essential requirements so you don’t waste your time viewing unsuitable properties.
Estate agents get paid by commission from the landlord on renting the property. The buyer does not pay the estate agent. Use several agents to show you properties – if you rely on only one agent you will be unable to determine whether the properties on his book are fairly priced compared to other properties on the rental market.
During viewings, write down the property details and your impressions of the properties. Take photos if the owner allows you to. This will help you compare properties and remind you of the properties you have seen. It is all too easy getting confused between different properties if you do a lot of viewings.
Create a shortlist of suitable properties and arrange second viewings. Take your time during second viewings and scrutinise the property. Don’t hesitate to open windows, sliding doors, taps, etc to ascertain whether they are in good working order. A property in bad working order is an indication that the landlord is unwilling to carry out appropriate repairs. If the place is furnished find out which furniture comes with the property as some or all of the furniture may belong to the current tenant. Are the appliances (fans, oven, washing machine) good quality? Check the brand names.
Make an Offer
You have now found the ideal place to live and would like to make an offer. What offer should you give? The price you offer will take into account the following considerations:
• the asking price: a landlord’s asking price is usually higher than the price they will actually settle for – talk to the agent to get a feel for what the landlord realistically wants
• rentals for similar properties: this will give you a feel for what the market rent should be, especially where condominiums are concerned
• the landlord’s circumstances: the landlord may be keen to rent his property to meet the financing costs
• the rent you are prepared to pay for the property: this will depend on your budget, how much you like the property and whether you are considering other properties
• interest in the property: if the property has been on the market for a long time without much interest the seller will be more negotiable than if several buyers are showing interest
• previous rejected offers: previous offers rejected by the landlord may give an indication of the rent the landlord is looking for – however the landlord’s circumstances may have changed and he might accept an offer he previously rejected
If you have been using an agent you should make your offer through the agent who showed you the property. When making an offer indicate clearly what you expect to be included in the property (eg, furniture, dishwasher) to avoid any misunderstandings. Also make sure you emphasize your positive points as a tenant so the landlord is more likely to be swayed by your offer (eg, employment credentials, rent paid by company). You may also offer for a third party to guarantee your rent (eg, parents).
The landlord will then either accept, reject or give a counter-offer, and negotiations will continue until a rent is agreed or they fall through.
The Rental Agreement
Once the rent is agreed between you and the landlord, you will be expected to pay the first month’s rent to the landlord to confirm the deal. On signing the rental agreement you will pay 3½ months’ rent to cover for the security and utilities deposits.
The rental agreement will typically feature the landlord’s and tenant’s particulars, the address of the property, the agreed rent, the term and commencement date, as well as the tenant’s and landlord’s covenants.
The tenant normally covenants to, inter alia, pay the rent, not cause a nuisance, keep the property in good condition, allow the landlord to show the property to prospective buyers or tenants.
The landlord normally covenants to, inter alia, carry out any repairs notified by the tenant, take out fire insurance, allow the tenant to peaceably occupy the property.
If the tenant is an expatriate, the rental agreement may contain an expatriate clause specifying that the tenant may end the agreement if he is transferred to another location. Other clauses may be negotiated with the landlord, including the right to end the agreement if a development starts near the property. The agreement will also stipulate what is to happen at the end of the term, eg tenant to give notice to end or renew the tenancy.
The tenancy agreement also often includes the inventory for the property. Before signing the inventory, make sure that all the items included are actually present in the property and write down on the inventory any defects to the property or furniture to avoid any dispute at the end of the tenancy. You may also want to take pictures when you move in to avoid any dispute as to whether any defects were already present when you moved in.
Leaving the Property at the End of the Tenancy
Your tenancy is coming to an end and you do not wish to renew the tenancy. Make sure you check your rental agreement to determine whether you need to give notice to the landlord that you wish to terminate the tenancy. Give proper notice as specified in the agreement.
When leaving, go through the inventory to ensure you are leaving the property as you got it at the start of the tenancy; otherwise the landlord may be entitled to keep part or all of your deposit. Also ensure that you pay all outstanding bills you are responsible for as failing to do so may entitle the landlord to keep your utilities deposit.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

马来西亚第二家园计划 Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H)


MM2H- Malaysia My Second Home Programme




1. 您将获得一张10 年的社交准证和一张多次入境签证。 
2. 10 年后,如果您不曾触犯马来西亚法律,您可以更新社交准证。 
3. 这期间,您可以自由到世界各地去旅游。 
4. 您可以携带年逾60 岁的父母一同前来。 
5. 您可以入口您的汽车或购买一辆新车,入口税、国产税、销售税全部豁免。 
6. 您的外国收入来源或者养老金以及汇款,全部免税。 
7. 当主要申请者本身、配偶、60 岁以上的父母及18 岁以下的孩子们的申请都获得批准后,仅需主要申请者本身在大马开设定期存款户口并且存入指定的数额,其他家属则不需要。 
8. 您的银行定期存款利息是免税的。 
9. 您从外国运输进入我国的家居设备,全部免税。 
10. 购买房屋,不必向外资委员会申请批准。 
11. 您的孩子(18 岁以下)可以申请学生证,以便继续求学。 
12. 您可向马来西亚移民厅申请女佣。 
13. 投资—您可在本地公司、股票市场或信托单位投资。 
14. 医药保健—您将享用世界级水准的医药设备。 
15. 一年后,您可领出60%至80%的定期存款来购买房屋、缴付学费或医药费。 
16. 拥有这第二家园身份地位的申请者,日后将享有各方面的优惠,包括在商场购物、在高尔夫球场消遣、旅行及享用KLIA 特别通道等等。 
17. 您可以购买多项房产,每项房产不少过RM250,000.00。您也可以向本地银行申请房屋贷款,贷款额是60% 以上。您购买的房产是包括了土地和建筑物。 


1. 对于居住型房屋的成员没有限制

2. 购买房屋前不需要外国投资委员会开具的预先核准证明

3. 房屋出售后不需交纳房产所得税

4. 外籍人士可购买任何自由保有土地

5. 所有房子的购买合同为英文,房产的资格就是购买者本人,不同于其他国家需要在当地再找人或成立公司才可购买

6. 马来西亚法律系统允许夫妻或者孩子继承房产

7. 不需交纳房地产遗产税或继承税

8. 吉隆坡最好的地产价格仍然低于新加坡或香港等城市

9. 外籍人士购买房屋可享受房价60%甚至90%的贷款


condominiums & apartment 都是公寓,有游泳池,网球场及其它设施。但是condominiums每层有2-4户人住,面积比较大;
Apartment 每层会有10-20户人住,面积小好多;
Bungalows (detached houses) 独立式别墅;
semi detached半独立式别墅;
terraced houses单层排屋
double storey terraced houses双层排屋




•-- 在马来西亚任何一间银行存入定期存款RM300,000.00(USD85,714)*合60万人民币。
•-- 一年后,可以取出最多RM240,000.00(USD68,571)合48万人民币来购买房子,付医药费或教育费。
•-- 从第二年开始,成功申请者必须保存至少RM60,000.00(USD17,142)合12万人民币在定期存款户口。


选择 A: 在马来西亚任何一间银行存入定期存款RM150,000.00(USD42,857)*合30万人民币。一年后,可以领取RM90,000.00(USD25,714)*即18万人民币来购买房子,付医药费或教育费


选择 B : 证明每个月领取RM10,000.00(USD2,857)*外国收入。(只有政府批准的收入才受到考虑。) (出示证据如:薪水单、所得税、银行结单等)

一年后,可以领取RM90,000.00(USD25,714)* 来购买房子,付医药费或教育费




1)申请信;个人背景及参与这项计划的目的;-谁会与您一同申请前来( 单身或与家人 );-大概阐述您如何维持在马来西亚生活( 财务能力 );指出您想要采用的财务标准;定期存款或每月国外收入( 只供年龄50岁或以上者 )。
3)三张马来西亚IM.12表格( 社交访问准证表格 )
4)一份马来西亚第二家园MM2H 表格。
6)公证属实的整本护照复印件(复印每一页并公正盖章有个人资料与照片的那一页 )。如果新护照的日期还没超过一年,必须吧旧护照每一页复印并公证属实。
7)公证属实的结婚证书( 携同配偶者 )
8)公证属实的出生证书( 携同孩子者 )
9)公证属实的银行结单报告 / 其他财务文件以证明您有能力支付在马来西亚的生活费。银行存款证明越多越好50岁以上你必须要有最少RM350,000(美金USD108000左右) 存款。50岁以下你必须要有最少 RM550,000(美金USD168,000左右)存款。
10)至少三个月公证属实的薪资核算单 / 退休金( 年龄超过50岁以上及申请选择证明每月海外收入者)


1) 身体检查;
2) 开立一个马来西亚银行的帐户并存入定期存款:
B、又如果申请者已在马来西亚拥有超越 RM1,000,000 (马币一百万)的房产,年龄50岁以上者可以只存入RM100,000(马币十万);年龄50岁以下者可以只存入RM150,000(马币十五万)。
3) 购买一份医疗保险。
步骤:1) 申请人获取签证。付以下款项:
③ 如果签证发出时客户已在马来西亚,每人则须缴付RM500马币五百的旅签费。(通常在MM2H签证获取批准时,我们会通过电话或文件通知申请人,申请人在本国原居证国最近的马来西亚领使馆去申请签证,凭签证来到马来西亚再获取MM2H签证,此费则不需要.)